Impacting students since 1960
If your church is interested in attending a week of camp at Bogg Springs, please visit the "Schedule" page to find links to the individual weeks of camp. Each camp controls their own content and schedule. We encourage you to contact the leadership of any of these camps for more information. If you need help determining which camps you might want to contact, feel free to contact the Bogg Springs office and we'll be glad to help you.
The most important part of camp is the time in God's word. At camp. I have classes about the Bible and great speakers who share the Bible in a way I understand.
Testimonials of a Camper...
Camp is a chance to have fun with old friends and make new friends. At camp we get a chance to meet kids from around the country. It's neat to find someone from somewhere else who likes the same things you do.
A week at camp is also a chance to get away from the things that I'm used to (like my TV, video games, magazines and telephone) and have some time to myself.